9-1- 1 | Call Now
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1- 800-799- 7233 | Call Now
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800- 273-TALK (8255) | Call Now
National Hopeline Network
1-800- SUICIDE (800-784- 2433) | Call Now
Crisis Text Line
Text “START” TO 741-741 | Text Now
Self-Harm Hotline
1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288) | Call Now
Family Violence Helpline
1-800-996-6228 | Call Now
Planned Parenthood Hotline
1-800-230-PLAN (7526) | Call Now
American Association of
Poison Control Centers
1-800-222-1222 | Call Now
National Council on Alcoholism
& Drug Dependency Hope Line
1-800-622-2255 | Call Now
National Crisis Line – Anorexia and Bulimia
1-800-233-4357 | Call Now

Interview and Assessment Session
The interview and assessment session will focus on providing the patient with an introduction to Care Connected TeleCBT Provider, an orientation with regard to treatment services, and a review of the reasons for referral. In addition, the Provider will conduct a brief clinical interview to obtain information relevant to the presenting problem. Brief assessment tools will be administered to enhance treatment planning and the identification of relevant goals. Lastly, the patient will be provided with interview feedback, treatment recommendations, and an opportunity to ask questions and/or discuss concerns.

Introducing the Bio-Psychosocial Approach and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The second session should begin with a discussion of assessment results that were not covered during the initial session. A review of the assigned homework should then take place, and should be accompanied by completion of objective and subjective measures in effort to obtain baseline information with regard to the patient’s current level of functioning. This session should be oriented toward providing the patient with education about the presenting problem(s). In addition, the patient should receive orientation with regard to the biopsychosocial approach and cognitive behavioral therapy. Once this is completed, the patient should receive homework assignments that will increase self-awareness and assist in the implementation of the coping skills discussed during this session.

The third session is focused on reinforcing the coping tools discussed in the first 2 sessions. It begins with a review of the homework assignments from session 2. Objective and subjective measures are once again completed in an effort to provide the patient with feedback about progress, motivation, and possible barriers. Additional psycho-education is provided to increase the patients understanding and level of comfort with regard to the implementation of healthy coping skills and how those help enhance daily functioning and quality of life. In this treatment stage, the Provider’s goal is to help the patient build awareness with regard to negative cognitive and behavioral factors that may be contributing to poor system management. Furthermore, the patient is guided toward the development of a problem-solving approach to symptom management through the education and practice of helpful cognitive-behavioral and relaxation strategies.

Determining If Additional Sessions Are Needed
This session should focus on discussing overall progress by applying and providing feedback with regard to objective and subjective measures. In addition, possible barriers and continued area of need should be identified and discussed. Furthermore, reinforcement for progress made should be provided. Recommendations for additional sessions to address any continued areas of need should be addressed. If additional treatment is recommended (i.e., 3 more sessions), a summary of reasons, which should be relevant for referral, must be included for documentation.
Tips + Suggestions
Below are some tips and suggestions that you can apply to your every day routine.

Tips for Practicing Relaxation
- Wear comfortable clothing.
- Find a quiet place with minimal distractions.
- Prior to beginning relaxation exercises, take a few deep breaths and start focusing on releasing body tension as you release each breath.
- Set an intention (i.e., slow down, let go, practice patience, reduce worry, etc.).
- Schedule a time each day to meditate or practice relaxation.
- Be patient—learning to relax takes time and some days it may seem more challenging to accomplish than others.
- If one relaxation exercise does not work, try a different one (i.e., diaphragmatic breathing, listening to soothing music, taking a meditative walk, guided imagery, stretching, etc.)

Tips to Improve Sleep Hygiene
- Avoid having meals within 2 hours prior to going to bed.
- Maintain a regular sleep schedule, try to go to sleep and get up at about the same time everyday.
- Try not to engage in stimulating activities 30 minutes prior to going to bed.
- Practice “going to bed rituals” to help your body and mind wind down and get ready for bed (i.e., warm baths, relaxation breathing exercises, dim lights, etc.)
- Avoid watching television, looking at your phone, or reading from an electronic device while in bed. The light from these devices may trigger wakefulness and may reduce your body’s ability to transition into a sleep state.